Thanks so much for the playlist, the shout-out, and the ongoing, undimmed passion for songs, for music. Your enthusiasm remains contagious and much appreciated.

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I enjoyed this post very much. While reading, I noticed several parallels with how I collate year best-ofs as I go along (inevitably ending up with long playlists and folders of playlists at the end of each year) and with some of my thoughts on the year's music as I found it, or as it found me. My account: https://songstudies.substack.com/p/2024-in-review-the-year-in-albums. I agree that there was plenty of great music last year and there will be plenty mmore to come this year. Just setting my 2025 folders up now.

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Thanks Richard, I am heading over now to read your own observations, especially about the "how" rather than the "what"...

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Great, thanks for sharing that Mick. I have imported into my Qobuz account and look forward to listening.

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Wow, what an incredible surprise! Thank you for including my music, Tony.

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Sure thing Nolan. As noted, this was about amassing good music as it came along rather than narrowing down to a Top 20 or suchlike, and second-guessing what was "meant" to be included. I love that so many of us make so much music these days and so much of it as good.

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When you create in what feels like a vacuum, anytime someone makes a positive remark it has a beautiful impact. It’s like fuel. Thank you, sir.

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