I saw Billy in a small room in Emory University in Atlanta in the late 80's. It was a tiny crowd and I was probably the only Brit....Billy spent a long part of the show giving a diatribe on the evils of Thatcherism and the state of the UK. A lot of the politics were definitely questionable and of course the audience were none the wiser and were certainly not going to fact-check. I wish that he would have toned it down a bit but I guess that's what floats his boat. The music however was wonderful and the banter was certainly entertaining.

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Yeahhhh Billy. I’ve grown up with him. Nice read Tony.

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Great to read so much about Billy after so many years. Haven't thought about him since the '80s, my favorite song being "Levi Stubbs Tears," which I don't think you mentioned, but he MUST have played! Otherwise, just so encouraging to hear that he's still at. At our ages, that means something. Also, you mentioned "Hadestown," and the first act showstopper "Why We Build the Wall." If you haven't seen it, you will be absolutely floored. The other great musical creation of the last ten years, "Hamilton," in fact features a chorus of "The World Turned Upside Down," and in much the same spirit. With Kamala riding to the rescue, the tide has indeed turned, and I am FLUSH with optimism. Keep going, Billy! AND Tony!

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Thanks David, appreciate your jumping straight on the review. Yes he did play "Levi Stubbs' Tears" in that late sequence of singalongs, and evidently I have not seen Hadestown. Or Hamiltown - and had I, I'd have been able to say without checking the YT vid (thanks for link) that that is an entirely different song. This one is Billy's adaptation of Leon's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWRpl2S9iwk CHeers and enjoy all your travels.

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