Great read, Tony! I gotta look for that Chords gig! Keep on!

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I'm actually not as visible as I thought, at least not early on, but around 2:30 (following link) you see me off to the side of the stage. The Chords are fantastic in it -- and I believe there is more of them later on as well. https://youtu.be/6is1SIgwQrM?si=DD8OnfjCh15Sice4&t=153

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Fantastic! Somehow I'd missed that doc. I've written about the Chords at No Such Thing As was. Terrific, under appreciated band.

Looking forward to your Damned/Dics take!

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'It Must Be Love' brought a tear to my eye the night before in Boston. What a great night!

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We discussed Labi Siffre just a couple of weekends back - a vastly under-rated British treasure, a unique and fascinating individual who may finally be on the cusp of an "overdue" moment. Madness did him proud with that song and it's noteworthy that of all their hits, they should end the set with 'It Must Be Love.'

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Madness were the first band I saw in 1980 on the back of their debut album release. Immediately hooked by the live music experience.

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As far as first shows go, hard to beat Madness - even with a walking stick. Venue?

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Liverpool Empire. Feb of 1980. My early gigs were very eclectic depending on who would let me go with them. I followed Madness with The Stranglers and then Rory Gallagher.

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I don't think that's unusual actually Pul. When YOu're YOung (ooh, good song title in the works there) any gig is a great opportunity. And that's a good trio you have there. Johnny Marr cites Rory Gallagher as a major influence.

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