Thanks for the kind shout-out Tony, and hope all goes well with the move!

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Moving is always a traumatic experience, hope it goes well for you. We hate moving and will avoid if at all possible. Our last move (9 years ago) was to a place abroad so our packing had to be worthwhile and our discarding ruthless. We made the journey more bearable by using a cruise ship for the purpose, it just happened to be going our way and at the right time, very relaxing ! After all, why waste 12 hours on a long-haul flight when you can do much the same in 70 days !

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Hey Ben, thank you. It's not the closest move ever - that was two blocks north, same corner, in Manhattan, exactly 1/10th of a mile - but it is only a 5-minute drive. So I have had worse. And the downsizing was done with the last move. But the packing and organization is no fun, and it takes me away from the things I would sooner be diong. Then again, for all the vintage cassettes I have found and cuttings of mine and photographs I didn't know I had kept... I guess it's worth it. Cheers!

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Good luck with the move, my friend. We'll see you at the next Kinderhook Vino & Vinyl night.

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Damn I hope so! Appreciated.

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