Great story!

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I recall reeding a 70s review of a Bruce concert, not sure if it was in Melody Maker or Sounds, but it started with, 'I've seen the future of rock n'roll, and its name is Bruce Springsteen', or some such wording - for some odd reason, I always remember that, perhaps because it was a decent prophesy !

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Author

Ben, the quote was by Jon Landau, who conveniently went on to produce Born To Run and become Bruce's manager (to this day). He wrote those words in 'The Local Paper' after seeing Bruce in Cambridge, MA in 1974, a few months before Chris. Landau had a big name as a music critic, so the endorsement was picked up by all - and infamously used by Columbia in the UK with the quote papered on every seat at Hammersmith Odeon for Bruce's first UK show. Bruce, despairing at the hype, ensured they were all picked up before doors opened!

The first album Landau produced was Back In The USA by the MC5 - which, also conveniently, is the subject of next week's Crossed Channels podcast.



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Many thanks for clarification Tony, it's good to know - cheers !

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Love it!!

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